Thursday, July 23, 2009


Welcome to the new DAC 2009 Blog! Let me begin by introducing myself - I'm a final year Ph.D. student in the ECE Department over at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh PA and I'll be keeping you posted on the latest and greatest at the conference all through next week as part of DAC's new cyberpublicity thrust.

In the meantime, check out DAC 2009 on Twitter at


  1. Nice to "meet" you. What's your name?

    There are several of us who will also tweet at DAC. The official hashtag is #46DAC.

    All #46DAC tweets will be displayed on a plasma screen mounted on a 16-foot tower on the show floor.

  2. Hey Karen,

    My name is Siddharth Garg. Here's a link to my website:

    Thanks for the info about Tweeting for DAC this year. Hope to see you or hear from you at the conference!

  3. I agree with Karen. This blog will be most effective if there is obviously a real person (with a name) associated with it. For tips on being a blogger, I recommend stopping by the Synopsys booth to my "So you want to be a blogger" session at 4:30 M-W :-).


  4. Hi Siddarth,

    Just wanted to add my welcome too! I'm looking forward to hearing your perspective on the conference.

    -Dave Lin
